Why Invest in Progress Lakeshore?
Investing in Progress Lakeshore provides the financial support that removes the barrier of cost to clients, thereby allowing us to serve all Manitowoc County businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Investment also allows us to develop programming and strategic initiatives to address the challenges existing businesses in the county experience, with the goal of developing a strong economy.
“Manitowoc Public Utilities actively supports Progress Lakeshore, recognizing the strategic importance of investing in the community. We've experienced firsthand the transformative impact of their initiatives, aligning seamlessly with a vision for a vibrant, opportunity-rich community. Progress Lakeshore plays a pivotal role in fostering growth and innovation, making them an invaluable partner in our shared commitment to sustained community prosperity."
Troy Adams
Manitowoc Public Utilities
High Visibility
- Company name or logo listed on Progress Lakeshore website & investor banner
- Receive recognition and submit articles in Progress Lakeshore bi-weekly newsletter
- Acknowledgment in Progress Lakeshore’s Small Business Resource Guide
Exclusive Information
- Bi-weekly Newsletter Subscription
- Exclusive Acceleration News subscription developed specifically for Progress Lakeshore Investors
- Invitation to Acceleration Breakfast, an investor-exclusive event that brings unique information and opportunities.
Relevant Resources
- Monthly Workforce Data
- Local & Regional Trends
- Quarterly Manitowoc County Economic Overview
- Ability to utilize Progress Lakeshore board room
Valuable Networking
- Annual Awards breakfast (free registration depending on investment level)
- Topical Roundtables
- Business Seminars
Investment Commitment Form
Please indicate your investment amount below. After submitting, a staff member will be in touch with more information!
For complete information regarding investment levels, click here or contact our office at 920-482-0540.